My First 60 Days as a Software Engineer Intern

My First 60 Days as a Software Engineer Intern

A Quick LookBook :-)


2 min read

The Beginning of a New Chapter

I remember walking into the office on January 8th, filled with a mix of nerves and anticipation. Time has a peculiar habit of slipping away unnoticed, especially when we’re engrossed in something new and exciting. It’s hard to believe that it’s already been two months since I started my internship at LogisticsNow as an Associate Software Engineer Intern.

Coding, Debugging, and More Coding

Developing APIs has been a significant part of my role, and it’s been as rewarding as it has been challenging. There were times I felt stuck, surrounded by bugs that needed debugging. But the moment my code was finally pushed to production—it was all worth it. I’ve also had the chance to be tester and test other people’s code. It’s a startup thing—being versatile and ready to jump into different roles. If you can get things done, you’re given the opportunity to explore and expand your horizons. Every day has been a learning experience. I’ve realized just how much there is to know, and sometimes, it feels like I’ve barely scratched the surface. But that’s the beauty of it—the more I learn, the more I understand how much more there is to explore.

A World of Learning

I’ve witnessed firsthand how backend APIs can impact frontend development. A delay or bug in the backend can ripple through to the user interface, affecting functionality and user experience. It’s a delicate balance, where both ends must work in harmony to create a seamless product . The lessons have extended far beyond the realms of code. It’s not just about the software; it’s about the people, the processes, and the telepathy between the two. One of the most profound lessons has been understanding people. Each individual brings a unique perspective to the table, and learning to navigate these differences has been invaluable. It’s about finding harmony in diversity, syncing our strengths, and supporting each other’s weaknesses.

The Road Ahead.. 🚀

Currently, I’m diving into deploying serverless code to the cloud. It’s a new challenge that I’m eager to master. And beyond that, I’m looking forward to delving into web design and gaining a deeper understanding of backend operations. As I continue my journey at LogisticsNow, I’m excited about the endless possibilities. There’s so much more to learn, and I’m here for it all—every bug, every line of code, and every breakthrough✌️.